
I have a favorite IKEA bag. It’s a little, reusable shopping bag that folds into a pocket. I’ve had it for years and I love it. It’s part of my everyday carry and I’ve used it to carry library books, groceries, and when foraging. Things that...
She’s Got It, Yeah, Baby, She’s Got It!

She’s Got It, Yeah, Baby, She’s Got It!

On the bulletin board behind me is a pin I bought years ago at a Worldcon.  It reads: “I have the body of a goddess—the Venus of Willendorf.”  A guy friend who was with me at the time said, “roach, you aren’t fat.”  While I appreciated...

For the Love of Kerchiefs

It started with this video. While the main point is about medieval hygiene, I was struck by the mention of head covers and how they helped keep hair clean. It brought to mind memories of my grandma, who would wear bandanas as a head kerchief. I don’t know if it was to...
Dreaming of a Craftsman Economy

Dreaming of a Craftsman Economy

“I like your computer,” she said. “It looks like it was made by Indians or something.” Chia looked down at her sandbenders. Turned off the red switch. “Coral,” she said. “These are turquoise. The ones that look like ivory are...