Letting Go Via the Four Elements

Letting Go Via the Four Elements

Saturday I was feeling anxious, on edge and annoyed. I was stuck on the long list of things we still need and have to do and the limited funds and time we have to do it in. I was snapping at my family and just not in a good headspace at all. My saint of a husband, he...
Tutorial: Sewing Tin Oracle

Tutorial: Sewing Tin Oracle

It seems like there is a form of divination for everything. There are the usual suspects: reading tea leaves (tasseomancy) and Tarot cards (cartomancy), fire gazing (pyromancy) and bird watching (augury). And there are more esoteric divination methods like...

Sew Witchy: Pitching the Book

  When I decided to try to find a publisher for my book, Sew Witchy (née Sew Craft) I had a vague idea of what I was doing.  A few year prior I had done a round of submissions on a fantasy novel.  I knew writing a nonfiction proposal would be a...
Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

Burlap Cross Stitched Pumpkin

I’m not ready just yet for fall. We’ve had a wet, hot summer and I’ve enjoyed it, as have the plants in the garden. But even so, I do hear the siren song of pumpkins and soup weather. So I took an afternoon to play around with an idea I’ve had...