Want to get away from the commercialism of the winter holiday? Want to spend more time on family and friends and less money? Want to know how you can incorporate the Yule sabbat into your pagan and witchy practice?

Join Raechel Henderson for her workshop How to Celebrate Yule. Go over the holiday’s origins, its meanings and how it became the holiday known as Christmas today. And then discover ways to bring your celebration back to the origins of the holiday through ritual, decorations, journaling and, yes, presents.

The workshop will be hosted via Zoom Sunday, November 26 at 6pm (MST). Cost for the hour long workshop is $25. Order through this link and you’ll be sent all the details.

Who is this workshop for? People who have been burnt out by the consumerism of the holidays. If you find yourself stressing over what to get people on your gift list, if you find the Christmas holiday leaves you feeling empty inside, if you think there’s got to be more to the holidays than mindless buying, then this workshop will give you back that connection to the meaning behind the celebrations.

The hour long workshop will cover:

  • What is Yule
  • Why celebrate it
  • The altar
  • Rituals
  • Spellwork
  • Divination
  • Decorations
  • Cooking

There will be time to take questions after the workshop so feel free to ask what you always wanted to know about the sabbat but were afraid to ask.

Click here to sign up for the workshop.

Working with Hestia: A free workshop

Learn about Hestia, the Greek goddess of the Hearth.

Sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get the link to my Working with Hestia workshop for free. This workshop covers the history and meaning of Hestia, how she is relevant in today’s society, and how to work with her to bring energies of comfort, family and belonging into your life.

You will also get a handout with more information and resources to aid you in your working relationship with Hestia.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter and get the link to the free workshop video.

How to Celebrate Yule