I love dandelions. I love everything about them, from their yellow blooms that feed the bees early in the spring, to their young leaves that can be used in salads, to the white, fluffy seed heads that provide new life for the next year. The fact that they give no fucks where they grow just speaks deeply to me.

I have, in the past, made a tiny wish jar with dandelion seeds, that sits on my altar. I’ve even written in my book The Natural Home Wheel of the Year about growing dandelion microgreens for salads and sandwiches.
Dandelions are associated with wish magic. The age-old activity goes like this: pick a full dandelion seed head and then blow on it as you make your wish. If you blow off all the seeds in one breath your wish will come true.
With this in mind, let’s make a dandelion wish spell bag. This craft was inspired in part by Jay Lee Painting’s video on how to make a dandelion print with just an empty toilet paper roll, some Q-tips, and white paint.
This craft will take about thirty minutes to make the pouch. However, you need to take into account drying time of the fabric paint. Read the instructions on the paint to see how long it will need to dry. This craft is best done on the waxing moon, as you will be building up power as you make your wish spell bag.
This project is perfect for a coven crafting session. Get your witchy friends together for an evening of fun and crafting and make your wish bags together. You can also do this as a children’s project which allows you to talk about wish magic, correspondences and other magical topics with your children.
You will need a premade drawstring bag. I made my own from linen fabric I got from OhlalaLabel over on Etsy. I recommend a linen or cotton bag as they will play nicely with the fabric paint you are going to use. Although you might want to see if you can find a silk bag as silk is associated with the element of Air*, as are dandelions, and so this will multiply the effectiveness of the spell bag.
The other items you’ll need are an empty toilet paper roll, a few Q-tips, a rubber band, a small paint brush, fabric paint in the color of your choice, and scissors. Extra things you’ll want is a water jar to clean your paintbrush, a surface on which to pour out your paints, and rags for cleanup.
Pick paint colors that interest you and that align with your goals for this wish spell pouch. If your pouch is dark colored you can use white for your dandelion, which is a good general color for magic. But don’t be afraid to experiment. Use blue if your wishes are going to be mainly for sleep or healing wishes. Use green for money wish spells. Or pink for love and friendship related wishes.
Creating Your Wish Spell Pouch
Gather all your supplies together and create some sacred space for crafting. You’ll want to put a piece of cardboard or a few sheets of paper inside your pouch to keep the paint from soaking into the back of the pouch.

Next, you’ll need to create your empty toilet paper roll brush. Do this by cutting strips into the edge of the toilet paper roll all around it to create a fringe. Then push the fringe out so that it creates the circular shape of the dandelion. Also, create a Q-tip brush by bundling your Q-tips together with a rubber band.
Now you want to pour out your paint onto a paint palette or another container. Spread the paint out with the small paint brush to get it into a circle about the same diameter as your toilet paper roll brush.

Gently coat the fringe of your toilet paper roll brush with the paint. You might want to clean off the excess paint on a scrap piece of paper or fabric. Then dab onto your pouch. Use a light hand here. You can go over the design multiple times to create your desired fullness of your dandelion. Keep adding layers until you are satisfied with it. Then use your Q-tip brush to add smaller “seeds” to the outside of your dandelion head. You can also add a little to the inside, empty area, if you wish.
Finally, use your small paintbrush to add a stem to your dandelion and perhaps even a few lines in the inside of the seed head to give it more details.

While you are working on your painting, focus on the wish that you will be filling the pouch with. Think about wishes in general and how they are fulfilled when you are specific and intentional with your wishing. Consider all the ways you will support your wish spell pouch in mundane ways, such as signing up for dating apps if you are wishing for love and relationships, or making a plan to ask for a raise if you are making a money wish. As you think about all this, pour your intention for your wish to come true into your pouch. Visualize your intentions as white light flooding the paint and even the pouch’s very fibers until it positively glows with power.
Once you are finished, set the pouch aside to dry. This can take as little as thirty minutes or as long as twenty-four hours. Read the instructions on the fabric paint you’ve chosen to know how long the paint needs to dry. Don’t get impatient on this step. You don’t want to smudge all the hard work you’ve put into your wish spell pouch.

Filling Your Spell Pouch
Use the drying time to gather the rest of the materials for the spell. You’ll need a piece of paper and a writing utensil. During the waxing moon, write your wish down on the piece of paper. Fold the paper towards you three times and then place it in your wish spell pouch. Then blow into the bag as if you are blowing off the seeds of a dandelion. Envision your wish filling up with your breath and intention, until it is so large that it pops and the seeds of it go floating, carrying your magic into the universe.
Place your bag on your altar until the next waxing moon or until your wish comes true, whichever comes first. When the spell is fulfilled or the time has run out, take out the paper and burn it. You can reuse the bag after cleansing it.
If you make this dandelion wish spell pouch I would love to see photos of your work. You can tag me on Instagram @idiorhythmic. Or share your photos here in the comments. In any case I hope you find this tutorial helpful and that all your wishes come true.
*As per my book Sew Witchy.