Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

My daughter came down the other morning, gestured out the window to the snow that was falling, and asked–in typical teenage fashion–”What is this bullshit?” “A Midwestern March,” I answered. I shared her annoyance at the snow, but wouldn’t necessarily label it...
Letting Go Via the Four Elements

Letting Go Via the Four Elements

Saturday I was feeling anxious, on edge and annoyed. I was stuck on the long list of things we still need and have to do and the limited funds and time we have to do it in. I was snapping at my family and just not in a good headspace at all. My saint of a husband, he...
Spell for Overcoming Obstacles

Spell for Overcoming Obstacles

Domestic witchery is a fascination of mine, I think because it seems like it would be the oldest and most common form of witchcraft.  Or maybe it’s just the lazy part of me that appreciates being able to accomplish two tasks in one. This spell is one I’ve...
Tiny Spell Jar

Tiny Spell Jar

Now that Tiny Hestia has joined me, I have been thinking about all sorts of tiny things. I saw some tiny jars at the dollar store and thought about how spell jars are often larger, but sometimes you need something tiny.I filled this one with dried blooms from flowers...
Magick by Mail

Magick by Mail

Christmas cards were born in the late 1800s. As with all new traditions, there weren’t any established norms. These early card designs were, frankly, weird, featuring mushrooms, dancing frogs, Krampus and more bizarre images. I love these designs because they...